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CrystEngGroup @HHU 2020

Crystal diversity

Beauty of symmetry under polarised light

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Congratulation on Prof. Christoph Janiak to his 60th Birthday

We congratulate Prof. Janiak cordially together with his friends and colleagueson on the special occasion of his 60th birthday and dedicate a cluster issue in ZAAC to him in recognition of his scientific achievements. Happy to guest edit this special issue.

Check the whole special issue HIER and the Editorial:

V. Vasylyeva*, M. Amini, Special issue "In celebration of the 60th birthday of Christoph Janiak", Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2021, 647, 414– 414, https://doi.org/10.1002/zaac.202100067

Kategorie/n: AC Vasyleyeva-Shor
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